Developing apps with Python on Symbian platform may be useful for research, prototyping and study purposes. This blog has been archived and would be mantained for the benefit of researchers, students and teachers who still use Python on Symbian.
Python apps look like "native" Symbian apps and can be distributed in the same way. They can access the same platform services but, without the need to dive deep into Symbian C++, they are quick and easy to create. You can write fully functional apps after only a few hours of study. Python is a fun, fast and completely free alternative to native C++ development.
Book: Python on Symbian: Mobile app development made easy
Network programming with PyS60 (Series of 16 posts) PyS60 network programming is very close to standard Python programming. The following posts cover the fundamentals in network programming to begin with. The later posts give a flavour of advanced network programming.
Featured Applications During the course of time, we featured several great Python applications on our blog. These are listed below.
Other Applications and Projects Following are the other important posts, applications and projects developed by me and fellow blog authors at Croozeus. |