
by Jouni Miettunen

Jomtris gameJomtris is a simple “tetris” kind of casual game. You handle dropping tiles as long as possible and that’s it. One game session should take max 5-10 minutes.

This release is made to request feedback. How should this game work, how to count and compare highscore, what kind of setting are needed, what there should be on the screen to make it look nice.

The playing field is vertical 10×20 square field, there are different 4-tile pieces dropping down from top and you have to fit them nicely at the bottom. All full rows are removed, to give you some more space to arrange tiles.

Press joystick left and right to move piece sideways, up to rotate and down to drop.

I started Jomtris, when I had flu and some fever. Wanted to check the old PyS60 1.3.3 sample, but it just kept crashing. So I started to debug, couldn’t understand how it worked and did some minor renaming, reordering, optimizing etc. normal things that people do.

The big mistake happened, when I got rid of busy game loop and made things work by events. I should have gotten well first and then forget all about tetris. I really should have!

Some potential future release might have:

  • Top-10 highscore
  • Settings to choose Hiscore name and whether rotation is clockwise or counter-clockwise.
  • Possibly preview of next piece
  • Possibly different kind of scoring system
  • Better keyboard support for playing
  • Pause while at background
  • Turn screensaver off when at foreground
  • Anything anyone might request, maybe

Source code is not made available.

There are people, who believe all software should be free. They don’t listen to any excuses, so I have none for them.

There are people, who believe developers should be able to make a living. They don’t listen to any excuses, so I have none for them.

I have some excuses for other people: so far I have released full source code for 13 (thirteen) PyS60 applications. I released them to help and encourage fellow developers and, I really believe, I have shown some good examples.

My two excuses:

1) I wish to make commercial PyS60 applications in near future, if such thing is possible. At some point I will release an application without source code, so might as well practise it now.

2) Jomtris source code is NOT good example, not at the  moment. There are several fundamental problems, which need to be corrected. For first time ever I need to sit down and actually design internal workings of a PyS60 application. Strange idea.

However after redesign I will make Jomtris source code available, either as a good or bad example. I will also write a paper describing what went wrong, why and how did I try to fix them.



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