1.9.4 Nokia signed scriptshell now available

by Pankaj Nathani

Following the official PyS60 1.9.4 release statement by Nokia PyS60 team on the 24th April, I am afraid there are many things that are buggy. The PyS60 1.9.4 SDK is still uninstallable and therefore unusable. It is unbelievable that PyS60 team did not notice this while testing. Hopefully, this should be fixed soon.

Today PyS60 team releases a Python Scriptshell signed by Nokia with the following capabilities.

PythonScriptShell_1.9.4_3rdEd.sis : ReadUserData WriteUserData NetworkServices LocalServices UserEnvironment.
PythonScriptShell_1.9.4_5thEd.sis : ReadUserData WriteUserData NetworkServices LocalServices UserEnvironment Location.

These PythonScriptShell packages are available with the user-grantable capability set.

Note that the signed Scriptshell meant for S60 5th edition devices can also be installed on S60 3rd edition devices to avail the location capability.

Download the Signed Scriptshell at the Maemo Garage,


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