GTranslate – PyS60 Google Translator v1.0.0

by Pankaj Nathani

Since last 2 days, I have been putting my spare time to code this application and finally here is it’s first release on the May day – GTranslate.

GTranslate is an application that translates text from one language to another similar to Basically it uses the Google Translation API and provides the output.

Main Features

* Translates from English to 37 different languages.
* Send Translated text as SMS
* Read aloud Translated text
* Ability to Copy/Paste Translated text

Version History

Version 1.0.0, 2009-05-01

* First release
* Tested with N95, E90 and PyS60 1.4.5.


GTranslate is available as a ready to install SIS file. You may download it here. Requires to be signed with all capabilities using open signed online.

For now only English is available as the source language, while 37 other languages are available as destination language. Adding support for more languages as the source language, as well as adding Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc is on the to-do list for the next release.

Any feedback is always welcome. Btw, the application also has a Send Feedback option. You may also use that or comment here…

Happy Translating 🙂

PS: Many thanks to Bogdan for his assistance.

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